SALT TRAY WRITING ACTIVITY FOR KIDS (18 months to 5 years old)
Salt tray writing activity is perfect for practicing writing, sight words, spelling and much more. The awesome thing about this activity is that it can be done using different languages. I noticed that my 3 year old son wasn’t the best at writing, so I found a fun way to help him and keep him engaged. You can have your child use a paint brush or their fingers for sensory play. Make sure to do it in a space where you’re ok with salt spilling over. :) Give this a try and comment to let me know if your little one enjoyed this activity.
1. Cut big strips of your poster paper and tape them to each other and against the tray as seen in the photo above.
2. Next step, pour salt in your tray. I used roughly half the tubes but you can be a little bit more generous.
3. Write a letter or a word and ask your child to write the word using their finger or paintbrush in the salt tray. That is it. Remember, you can try this activity with other subjects such as math, spelling, even learning other languages. Another idea is make this into a game. Write a number, word, or letter, and ask your child to tell you what you wrote. Be sure to comment below and let us know how it goes. :)