What's in the bag sensory play (1 yr - 5 yrs)
What you need: 1 bag, objects in your home Ex. book, ball, letters, plastic fork, spoon, tissue roll, plastic cup. Try placing in objects your child knows to engage them and several they don't know to help expand their vocabulary.
What to Do: Place all these objects in the bag/pillow case and have your child guess what is in the bag without looking!
Objective: To encourage your child to guess what's in the bag using sense of touch, hearing, even smell depending on what you place in the bag. It's also a way to introduce your child to think 3-D. We want to teach kids to use other senses of learning which will help stimulate neural pathways in the brain, plus the game is fun!
Also, make sure you are conversing with your child during the game. Ask questions. Use adjectives. This game is also a vocab builder, so have fun with it while your child learns new words. Here are a few videos of Amir and I playing the game. The older he gets, the more complex I will make it to challenge him.